
Noccalula Falls - Gadsden, Alabama

Noccalula Falls Park Entrance, July 2018

Noccalula Falls Park in Gadsden, AL is a beautifully maintained park about an hour northeast of Birmingham. The entrance fee is $6 per person (July 2018) and includes park admission and a round of putt-putt golf. There is an option to purchase a train ride, though the train was not in operation during our visit.

The front part of the park consists of a Pioneer Village with several wooden buildings and a covered bridge.

Noccalula Falls Pioneer Buildings, July 2018

There is also a petting zoo with deer, goats, sheep, rabbits, and a llama. Within the barn area, there are mainly birds and reptiles. There are also several small enclosures for rescued animals including a Lion and a Canadian Lynx. Let me warn you that these enclosures are very small and it is a bit upsetting to see the animals housed this way.

Noccalula Falls Petting Zoo, July 2018

However, the highlight of the park is the waterfall. As the legend goes, there was a Native American Indian princess, named Noccalula, who was in love with one man but promised to another. Instead of being forced into a loveless marriage, Noccalula leaped to her death from the top of the waterfall. To pay tribute to his daughter's memory, the grieving Chief named this waterfall after her.

Noccalula Falls, July 2018

The day we visited, the water was not at "full discharge", but our hike down Gorge Trail and into the cave behind the falls was spectacular none the less. As the sign warns, it is a steep slope with loose rocks, but it is not a difficult hike. You descend quickly on a series of concrete ramps, then the trail becomes small pebbles and flatter ground.

Noccalula Falls Gorge Trail sign, July 2018

You are flanked by a rock wall on the right and a steep, wooded drop to Black Creek ravine on your left. The trail then forks, and taking the right fork, we meandered our way down to an enormous cave behind the waterfall itself. This part of the trail is made up of larger, loose rocks, so be sure to step carefully. Behind the waterfall is dark and fascinating. I can only imagine how loud it might be when there is more water cascading down!

Behind Noccalula Falls, July 2018

We followed the cave around to the other side and down some large rocks to cross Black Creek. Be aware, swimming is not permitted. We then climbed up the steep embankment and were back on the Gorge Trail again, heading back out the way we came.

Crossing Black Creek at Noccalula Falls, July 2018

At this point, it was time to stop and picnic. There are various benches around and outside the park for picnicking. After some well-needed nourishment, we ended our visit with an 18-hole game of putt-putt on a nice little course. The putt-putt course is just down the street from the Park Entrance, but very close and a great way to end a lovely day of outdoor family fun!

Putt-putt Golf Course at Noccalula Falls Park, July 2018

Duration: 3-4 hrs. (Park, picnic, and Putt-putt)
Fun Meter: 4 thumbs up
Visit date: July 2018

1 comment:

  1. There was a fire at the Falls this morning. It was the barn area, and most of the animals were lost. There was no fire hydrant near the park area and the firefighters had to call in pumper trucks. By the time the trucks got there, the animals in the barn could not be saved. If you have pictures of the animals from your visit, please post in memory.
